Dori, a one-year-old Golden Retriever from South Korea, has Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde tendencies. The pup seems to have dual personalities. She is generally good, especially around other people, but she can also be rude to her owners.
The cream-colored pup is an intelligent dog who is easily motivated with treats. When her owner has treats, Dori follows her command and performs dog tricks with ease. She can also control herself when told to wait before eating a snack that is right in front of her.
According to her owners, Dori is kind and cute. But then, all of a sudden, she would bare her teeth and becomes rude. Her rudeness sometimes goes overbroad to the point that she already hurts her owners.
Often, Dori’s bad personality comes out when her owners are busy doing something else. She wants to have all the attention. And, when she doesn’t get it, she starts attacking her owners. Dori bites her owners in the calves, thighs, hips, and other areas that she can easily reach.
One of Dori’s owners shared that her arms are already full of scars because of Dori’s attacks. The dog’s behavior is already alarming, but they don’t want to give her up because she is family for them. So, they seek the help of Dog-trainer Kang, a famous trainer in South Korea.
Trainer Kang and his team first observed Dori’s behavior before deciding on their next steps. It was evident that the pup acted nice when there were other people in their house. But, as soon as they left, she’s back to being her rude self again.
The trainer told Dori’s owners that they need to let Dori know who is in control. They also need to be firm when they give their commands. These actions are not meant to be harsh towards Dori, but instead, they were meant to help her improve her personality.
With a series of training sessions, and the help of Trainer Kang and his team, Dori’s attitude improved tremendously. She is now a good and loving Golden Retriever, and her owners couldn’t be any happier. NOTE: the video below is not in English. However, it still is an interesting watch!
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Photo and video credits to KBS animal TV via YouTube.