Dogs have always been intelligent beings. Their excellence at picking up little nuances makes them a formidable opponent at whatever game we humans play.
We’ve seen this trigger-finger-play-dead game on the net, but it’s usually toddlers who play the lead role. This one is a similar story, with a different twist to it.
The main character is this doggo, a German Shepherd breed. He’s smart, loyal, and has a great future in the acting field. He could put any lesser hooman actor to shame with the skills he displayed.
His name’s Ty, and on this day, he’s about to show his hooman what he’s got. The game started with simple commands, and Ty aced them all. He loved playing this game because he got delicious treats!
Ty didn’t mind sitting, staying, spinning, and jumping. He was having fun and the continuous flow of tidbits coming his way kept this fur baby motivated.
Who wouldn’t be excited to do simple stuff and get rewarded for it? Ty felt like the world’s luckiest pet to simply obey commands and then get paid for it. That’s living life!
Then the pet’s owner made a trigger finger motion followed by a gun-report sound, and this is where Ty’s acting skills played out. The pet circled once, then circled again with a bit of a wobble.
Then Ty acted like he was hurt and slowly fell on his side. He was so convincing that if we didn’t see the whole thing on tape, we’d believe he was shot.
What nailed the whole I-got-shot-I’m-dead acting was Ty’s tail. When he fell, it was still moving. Then it got slower and slower until his tail ultimately stopped all motion.
That’s some fine acting, boy! We don’t know how you got to be so good, but you did an excellent job, doggo! Bravo!
If you enjoyed this story, you’ll LOVE our other dog story videos. Click here for more!
Photo and video credits to aviJenee via YouTube