Nothing surpasses the affection a dog has for its owner. If their humans go to work or even just down to the grocery store, they can feel scared that they may not come back.
That’s why they wag their tails nonstop whenever their owners come home.
If going to work for several hours every day agitates dogs, how much more will it hurt if their owner is to leave for two years? This separation is a massive pain to the poor dog.
Casey is a nine-year-old Schnauzer who got separated from her owner, Rebecca. In 2017, Rebecca had to go abroad for a work opportunity and had no choice but to leave her beloved Casey behind.
The dog was in good hands because Rebecca left her under the care of her parents in Pennsylvania. At least she was with others with who she was familiar. But she was still sad that Rebecca had to go.
After all, two years is basically the equivalent of fourteen in dog years! Even in human years, two years can be quite a long time. After the long wait, Rebecca was finally coming home for her wedding, which meant that she and Casey would be reunited!
Rebecca missed her dog so much, but Casey missed her a whole lot more.
The whole family decided to capture the anticipated reunion between dog and human in a video where it showed Casey seemingly crying in howls in the sight of her much-missed dog mom.
On the other hand, Rebecca smiled and laughed upon seeing her pup.
The dog greeted Rebecca with kisses and cuddles. But afterward, she couldn’t contain her excitement anymore as she suddenly lay on the ground. She attempted to sit back up, but she ultimately collapsed.
Rebecca’s dad picked Casey up, and cradled her in his arms to comfort her. He and Rebecca continued giving her kisses to calm her down.
To ensure Casey’s well-being, the whole family brought her to the vet to have her checked. Thankfully, she was fine, and there were no underlying health conditions.
She was just sooo thrilled to see her owner for the first time since her departure.
Casey and Rebecca’s love of each other is evident with this video alone, and they’ll finally get to spend more time together. Especially on Rebecca’s big day.
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Source: Rebecca Svetina via YouTube