This is the beautiful and very inspiring story of Rusty Diamond, the dog chained to a wall for more than ten years. Rusty’s rescuer was a courageous man who made it possible for Rusty to enjoy life to the fullest.
In Arizona, the man noticed Rusty in one of the backyards where he usually passes. The dog was chained to a wall. And, in three years since he first saw the pup, he had never seen him out of his chain or interacting with humans or other dogs.
Out of pity for the poor pup, the man decided to approach him. At first, Rusty snarled and barked at him, so he hesitated to approach the dog. But somehow, he felt that the pup needed his help, so he stood by the fence and waited for him to stop barking. He talked to Rusty and assured him that everything would be okay.
When Rusty finally calmed down, he went near the fence. The man was cautious because he did not want the dog to bite him, but he eventually reached out to pet Rusty. That was their first connection, and it was precious for the pup and the man.
For the following days, the man visited Rusty every day to feed and give him some affection. He noticed that the pup was friendly and he loved human interaction. Up close, he also noticed that the dog needed medical attention. Rusty had tumors growing all over his body, and he had fleas infestation.
One time, the man was feeding Rusty when the dog’s owner came to the backyard and saw him. That was the time when he learned that the pup had been chained for about 10 to 15 years already. He realized that the owner did not care for Rusty at all. So, he demanded Rusty to be given to him.
The owner did not want to give Rusty, but the man insisted, so the owner gave in. That day marked Rusty’s freedom. Though the man could not adopt Rusty, he found a new loving family where Rusty can thrive. Now, Rusty enjoys his life the way he should, thanks to the man who set him free.
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Photo and video credits to Rumble Viral via YouTube.